5 reasons why every small business needs a website

One of the first points of call for many small business owners when promoting their business is social media. Having a presence on social media platforms is great and in fact, is a great complement but having a website is better, especially if you are looking for longevity.

Showcase your products and services

It is much easier to display and define all your products and services on a website, as well as client reviews and testimonials. Compared with social media platforms whose interfaces change frequently as well as the higher potential of older products getting lost at the bottom of the business’s social media page. With products and services clearly displayed, consumers will be able to easily research your business and find what they are looking for. Most people still do their research and compare you with competitors even if they are referred, therefore a professional and beautiful website will help you convert potential customers.

Websites make you look more professional

Having a website adds credibility to a business and also makes a good impression on any current potential and current consumers (a high majority of people research a company online before making a purchase or visiting them). Along with credibility, having a website allows you to have a branded email address which adds more professionalism to your business efforts e.g., yourname@yourwebsite.co.za. Being professional means that you are seen as being competent, reliable and respectful and consumers will easily gravitate towards your product or service.

Attracts new customers

Search engines such as Google and Bing are much bigger than social media platforms and therefore can assist a business in attracting new customers through search engine optimisation (SEO). This means that if a potential customer is searching for a product online, your business will be among the results if you sell the required items. Along with this, if you have a business address it is easy to integrate a website with maps so customers will easily be able to find you and visit your store. If you don’t have a business address that is not a problem either, the listing will indicate that you operate online. Regardless of whether you have a physical store or not, the listing will direct any customers to your website.  

Anchors all marketing efforts

Consistency is key when it comes to marketing, having a website allows a business to have a central location where consumers can be directed to with all the products or services as well as any related information the customer may require to make a purchasing decision. Once you have decided on a domain name it is set unlike social media platforms where one can easily change the name or a person can create a similar account. Again, this centralised location adds to the credibility and will make it easier for potential customers to trust the business and its products and services.

Simple and affordable

Contrary to popular belief having a website is not as expensive as it seems. You can get all the benefits without spending a fortune and ensure the success of your business in the long term. We have a range of affordable packages starting from R99 per month, to allow every business owner the opportunity to have a website. Visit our website to see how we can help you have a website.